My friend Nancy and I look forward to attending the annual button show in Avondale, Arizona each year. It’s held at the Hilton Garden Inn each February and is hosted by the AZ State Button Society. This year was just as fun as past years.
We started the morning by attending a short class on Cricket Cage buttons. I know I have some of these but I forgot to look for them. Nancy brought a few of hers to show us. Cricket Cage buttons consist of one piece of metal folded to form a cage/contour button. They are like mini works of art.
Center photo is Nancy’s collection.
It’s always interesting to see the variety of competition trays that were voted on the night before. A lot of time and research and effort goes into these collections.

button competition trays

This is the exciting room. There was a dozen vendors from all over the US. Each table held lots of cool items to look at.

Look at how tiny these very old buttons are. Middle photo is a selection of glass buttons, Nancy’s favorite. Dealer Kay Ferguson with one of her tiny buttons.

These are the buttons I hand picked. The studio button of Mary Todd Lincoln is marked HW on the backside. Studio means it was handmade. The animals are sporting buttons and the moon and star upfront is a perfume button I believe.

More buttons that were chosen. with over 200 classifications of buttons, we only scratch the surface. If you’re interested in detailed information, check out the AZ State Button Society Facebook page as well as The Flying Button Ranch. They hold a lot of terrific information that can be shared with you. Happy Button Hunting, Leah Williams