This gal really loves buttons.
The BIg Heap North festival was this past weekend & it was fantastic. Sister Jen & were among a variety of vendors and of course we were booth neighbors. We enjoyed working along side our fellow vendor friends Jenny Kuller of Red Head Sadie, Mary Rita, Kristen Marcus of Moonstruck Vintage & Lilia Corona of Corona Couture. Jen & I were fortunate enough to stay with her in laws Allen & Nancy. They have a beautiful cabin up in Munds Park which was only about a 10 minute drive to the fairgrounds where the festival was held.
Our load in was Friday afternoon and the event ran all day Saturday & Sunday. Here’s a few of our event pics. Jen of vintagebyjem sells mid century housewares, metal objects, dolls, linens, you name it. We help each other out as much as we can and I regard our time spent together as cherished moments.
Naturally we had to stop for burgers & pies at Rock Sporings Cafe in Black Canyon City. It’s mile marker 242 if you feel the need for yummy pie.
Kade was my little helper w/ setup & tear down. He found treasures in my bowl full of boy charms. He wore the dung beetle necklace both days. Too cute.
these were my giveaway – a button bobbi pin attached to my business card & an ovarian cancer awareness card
Lots of vendors sold number & letter plaques. This is the year we were married. I’m going to make some kind of a sign with it.

There was a long line of folks waiting to get inside.

Bib Necklace Girls – Cindy (bottom left) scooped up this necklace for herself & Jerry modeled the big bling necklace displayed on my female bust.

Happy Sisters

With our fellow vendor Jenny. If you ever need vintage clothing or jewelry sets, she’s your vendor.

Little boys like digging thru buttons too.

Some items from Jen’s booth