THANK YOU shoppers, clients and online community for all of your likes, comments, purchases and event attendance. Without all of you, Ruby Mae Jewelry would just be a hobby and not a growing small business. There’s 7 ways to sell jewelry and I do 7/8. The 7 are: local events, own a website, online platforms like Etsy, brick & .
This September was the 10 year anniversary of Junk In the Trunk Vintage Market. I’m proud to share I have participated in every Scottsdale market they’ve held with the exception of two. I missed the very first backyard one and a November show because my son competed at the State meet for dive. I believe they’ve held 17 Westworld .

What a terrific show we had at WestWorld In April. Vendor load in happened over 3 days from Wednesday to Friday. The event kicked off Friday evening from 5-9pm. Shoppers paid $50 in advance or $65 at the door and they had the first picks from all of the booths. They also got a FREE drink coupon that included .
The recent Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market at Westworld did not disappoint. There were so many fun shoppers & great treausres to be found. I had a photo gallery of artwork from a 1950’s student named Elizabeth Finkler. On the back of some of the drawings were signatures from teachers and occasionally their grades. These were popular at .
It’s always a treat when I get to be booth neighbors with my sister Jen who has Vintageby Jen. She has such style and great ideas for displays. My wardobe looks like I’m set to cook you something.
Away I went, all packed up and ready for load in. It was the first time I hooked my trailer up by myself. Note to self, don’t wait until it’s dark when it’s time to come home. Scoops of buttons were a hit A few of the pieces picked or created at the show. A big thank .
Another wonderful show at the Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market this past weekend. Friday morning I was interviewed by Jessica from Channel 3 and we chatted about my $1 Button Make and Take as well as some of my vintage button bracelets. For Channel 3 Interview, Click this link … img_5447-mov-1 With Jessica & JITT co creator Coley Arnold Setting up Thursday .