Dad & I headed to our first button convention yesterday. My middle son Nolan said, what's to see. You have a hole, you put the button through, what could they possibly have.
I should have made him go just so he could see what was really doin in the show room. I believe A.S.B.S. stands for Arizona State Button Society & the theme was "See The World Through Buttons" & it did not disappoint.Vendors from all over displayed thier buttons on boards and loose buttons in buckets called "pokes".
It appeared it was mostly collectors there & I didn't see anyone else wearing button jewelry other then Cheri of Timeless Buttons & a new gal I met from Ahwatukee, Jeanette who makes button rings using the large, flat 4 whole types of buttons. Most of the buttons for sale are stuck through boards for easy browsing.
These were real bug & butterfly buttons.
Flouresent glow in the dark bug buttons
There are also competition panels filled with various collections.
Here's an example off of the AZ Button Society webpage.
We met a man who inherited an island 30 years ago near Micronesia. He converts nutes from the ivory nut palm tree on the island into buttons.
Most buttons are pinned on boards with the price written next to the buttons.
There were a lot of expensive buttons to see.
I was very attracted to the Lucite buttons and bought these two gems for myself.
Lots of fun buttons in every variety.
I have so much to learn & I just can't wait. I'm definitely going next year.