I recently taught my first Buttons 101 Class & it was hosted @JAM, a boutique in old town Scottsdale. These lovely ladies came together & we made lots of cool buttons projects and they gave some away as gifts. I loved seeing what they wrote on the gift cards. I find it interesting to see the button combinations they picked. Also, I think .
Hello everyone, Well I’m proud as punch to announce that Go Daddy, the well known website hosting company, has selected me & 3 other small business for their upcoming video campaigns. They are not quite sure how they will use our videos yet but most likely we will be on their website & maybe in print media. A video .
The time has come that I learn more about all types of buttons. While at the Phoenix Button Convention in February, Gary Brockman, a well known button dealer told me I should look in Mary Doyle’s copy of the Big Book of Buttons to gather more research on the new 18th century buttons I had just treated myself to. I had never heard about .
Last week I traveled to Tucson w/ my Dad to attend the biggest Arizona jewelry convention of the year. There are shows in over 40 venues and you’ll see booths set up in most hotels & parking lots, convention centers & malls. It’s absolutely huge. It’s not just jewelry & beads. It’s objects from all over the world. On the advice of .
To me, buttons tell some ones story & I like to hear hear it. I love anything monogrammed & I discovered these Mother /Daughter ones w/ the initial “W” on them. (1 large & 1 small button are called mother daughter. If there was a 3rd size, they would be grandmother/ mother/ daughter buttons) They will soon adorn my .
I rely on my photography to tell the story of my jewelry. Extreme close ups show off the tiny treasures I attach to each piece. You might be shocked to learn I’ve used my iPhone 4 to shoot 90% of my pics. Maybe you won’t be. For me it was all about convenience. I could shoot the pic & .
“Twitter puts your face & business in front of infuential people who would never see you otherwise”. This is the sage advice from my social media director Bev Lefebvre of One Less Hat and I’ve taken it to heart. Plus, it’s free advertising & networking. It helps if you have a smart phone so you can post on the fly. I use .
In June Dad & I were featured on the Fox10 Morning Show with Kristen Anderson. It was a great experience & I only choked up once. Whew! Next time I’ll sit more lady like but for the most part I’m really happy with it. The bummer is that I didn’t download it to a dvd & it’s no longer available for viewing. Crikey, .

Well folks, fall is coming & you know what that means…festivals, boutiques, craft fairs & church bazaars. I’ve got my calendar out & this kitten is signing up for even more fun events this holiday season. I plan to work 1-3 events per month Sept-January. I’ve got my booth packing down to a vintage suitcase science & my tiki .