I thought you might like to see all of the fun pieces bought & created for Mothers Day Gifts. All hand stamped charms are made by my dad Jake.
The Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market on May 2nd & 3rd was an incredible show for a lot of reasons. We had record record breaking attendance at 15,000+ shoppers. The weather inside was comfortably cool and the event was incredibly well organized. I LOVED the live music atmosphere all weekend long. Set up was the day before and .

Last Saturday we had record breaking numbers attend the Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market at WestWorld. VIP’s entered at 7:30am followed by early entry for $10 at 8am and general admission at 10am. There was live music & yummy food trucks. The atmoshere was electric. I’m guessing 10K people attended. If your coming to the May 2nd show .
The BIg Heap North festival was this past weekend & it was fantastic. Sister Jen & were among a variety of vendors and of course we were booth neighbors. We enjoyed working along side our fellow vendor friends Jenny Kuller of Red Head Sadie, Mary Rita, Kristen Marcus of Moonstruck Vintage & Lilia Corona of Corona Couture. Jen & .
Looking at this photo, would you believe this is my Happy place? I know it looks quiet but I don’t care. What these people are looking at is AWESOME. This was my 4th year attending the AZ State Button Convention held at the Hilton Garden Inn located on Avondale Rd south of the I10 freeway. Photos taken with permission. .
I couldn’t resist taking a class on medieval buttons and how they were discovered. It was totally fascinating. It was presented by Janelle Giles . She has been collecting Buttons for over 40 years and she has a popular Facebook page called Button Central. Some time back Janelle was in Paris for work. She went outside on a break and .
I think it’s exciting to revamp old treasures into something new. Often times clients have a collection of loose charms and broken bracelets loaded with treasures given to them or collected on travels. I like offering the service of repair and restyling.One client had me convert an uncomfortable necklace into a fun bracelet. I typically add a shiny new .
Guess what…we had two big Ruby Mae Jewelry milestones this week. 1st Milestone…Ruby Mae is now officially trademarked thru the US Department of Patents & Licenses. This was a 9 month process for me & I’m so glad I listened to my advisors & went for it. Someday when Macy’s or Nordstroms wants to buy my brand, I’ll be .
My client Kay has figured out a way to save herself time & money. Kay prefers to give a sentimental gift for those in her social circle and rather then driving to Kohls or Target, shopping for an hour or scooping up a gift card, Kay simply calls me & tells me 3-5 things her recipient is interested in & .
Hello, Just wanted to share new pics I received from Go Daddy today. We recently spent a Sunday together in late April shooting videos & still photography for their upcoming small business campaign. They still haven’t said where or when I will be used but I have approved quotes they gathered from me to be used on flyers, etc.Here .