
Tag Archives: jewelry blog

* Charm Tray Video

I have two old typesetter trays that I use at my shows. I filled them with charms for customers to pick through. At the last Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market I dropped it during load up and the scattered charms got mixed up. My husband Scott had a solution for this. He put a 1 inch wood grooved .

* 2016 AZ State Button Convention

So many wonderful buttons at this year’s 2016 button convention held in Avondale Arizona in February 2016. The event is hosted by the Arizona State Button Society and the theme this year was presidents. You wouldn’t know by looking at the photo of everyone sitting around the tables digging through boxes of buttons, but this is my happy place. .

* Junk In The Trunk September 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015 – loaded & headed to West World in Scottsdale My booth was 30ft x 15ft – my biggest one ever I was two rows from the entrance on the main aisle. Perfect location. I have the same spot for the next show in May. My husband Scott had the idea that mannequins could be at .

* 2015 AZ State Button Convention

Oh what a day Nancy & I had together at this years AZ State Button Society’s annual show. It’s always held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Avondale. This room might not look like much but for us, it’s heaven. 95% of the buttons are displayed on boards and you flip thru them like record albums. The show theme .

* Montana Road Trip with my Dad

   July 25th, 2015 dad & I headed north to the big skies of Montana. 18 days…4400 miles… 10 beds… 9 homes visited… First stop Laughlin, AZ and then Utah to see my friend Tori. I’m hoping to find cool buttons and treasures along the way. Springville, Utah This photo is of Tori’s Mom Lori, back in the day, .
Dimes Were Hard to Come By ebook Photos

Dimes Were Hard to Come By ebook Photos

These photos are from the 1st Edition hand bound copy of “Dimes Were Hard To Come By” written and published by my folks Patty & Jake Jacobson. I’m sorry I could not include page numbers but the two books don’t have corresponding page & picture numbers. The photos are in order and I tried to include a bit of .

* 2014 AZ State Button Convention

Looking at this photo, would you believe this is my Happy place? I know it looks quiet but I don’t care. What these people are looking at is AWESOME. This was my 4th year attending the AZ State Button Convention held at the Hilton Garden Inn located on Avondale Rd south of the I10 freeway. Photos taken with permission. .

* Revamping Jewelry

I think it’s exciting to revamp old treasures into something new. Often times clients have a collection of loose charms and broken bracelets loaded with treasures given to them or collected on travels. I like offering the service of repair and restyling.One client had me convert an uncomfortable necklace into a fun bracelet. I typically add a shiny new .

* 2 Milestones This Week

Guess what…we had two big Ruby Mae Jewelry milestones this week. 1st Milestone…Ruby Mae is now officially trademarked thru the US Department of Patents & Licenses. This was a 9 month process for me & I’m so glad I listened to my advisors & went for it. Someday when Macy’s or Nordstroms wants to buy my brand, I’ll be .

* Gift Giving Made Easy

My client Kay has figured out a way to save herself time & money.  Kay prefers to give a  sentimental gift for those in her social circle and rather then driving to Kohls or Target, shopping for an hour or scooping up a gift card, Kay simply calls me & tells me 3-5 things her recipient is interested in & .